Sunday Buffet location at the home of Nancy and David Bailey

David Bailey, Nancy Harris – David Bobbit Jr., Dave Bobbit

Lee Sandler, David Bailey, Lee Walters – Susan Monan, Guest John Cardwell

Lee Rogers, Ann Wylie Rogers – One of the Balcony Views

John Noppenberg, Phil Seipp, John Sparkman (Timi Dutcher) – Dave Bobbitt, Beth Basten, David Bobbit, Jr.

Donna Criswell, Tess Fajardo, Donna DeCostas, Bobbie Sonen – Sandy Poston

Nancy McLeod, Jane Noppenberg (John), Clara Keyes – Freddie Rebozo, Brian Nichols, John Noppenberg, Steve Buzzell

Buffet – Group

Sandy Schepeler, Phil Seipp, David and Wynn Lawrence, Hollis Coleman (Len) - Jim Vincent, Steve and Martha Clifford

Patti Dansyear taking photographs and Sue Hadley talking in group which includes her husband Alan Nichols.

Emily Pyne (David) taking photographs and facing us at the table are George Olsen, Sharon Eighmey Olsen, Lois Stoker, and Roger Hess – Emily photographing Clara Keyes, Bobbie Sonen, and Donna DeCostas.

Tony Wasserman, Steve Wayner’s back, Harry Kirsner – Lanny Bishop and Barbara Zgodzinski.

Judy Findeisen Sullivan and husband Bill – Bill Brown, Ginger Jochem (’63) Sidney Cullen

Roberta Blen, Jackie Chapman – Bill Schneider, Roberta Blen, Lois Stoker, Patti Dansyear, Bill Brown

Bill Scheidner, Lois Stoker, Roberta Blen, Bill Brown - Kristina Morningstar and Dean Sena

John Sparkman (Timi), Sue Hadley Nichols and Alan Nichols – Tess Fajardo, Susan and Hoz Compton

Wayne Parker, Wendie Mertz Parker – Buffet Table

Susan Compton (Hoz) photographing Sandy Schepeler and Karen Freberg in the Ritz Foyer.